
Jannah Crew is a teenage Muslimahs’ group, whose aim is to get to know Allah, come closer to Him and have fun at the same time!

Introduced in 2005 in a small effort to strengthen the youth among us, Jannah Crew grew quickly. Several months after the formation, the group was welcomed by the ‘Enlightenment into Islam Center’ in Kuwait, with much encouragement; all made possible by Allah’s Will and Mercy.

Since then many activities have been conducted, like; regular Halaqahs (gatherings), Summer Camps, weekend educational programs, Eid parties & Fairs, Outings, etc., aspiring to acquire knowledge and make good Muslim friends; thereby becoming better Muslimahs.

In the Summer of 2020, Jannah Crew started virtual programs for girls residing outside of Kuwait.

Know more about our latest programs here.